Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1/6/10 New Year, Exciting Opportunities

Half-way through the school year, whew, that went fast.
This is the time of year that peole usually make a resolution-a way to better themselves.

I have not finalized my new year's resolution but I have a few in mind...

  • eat healthier

  • have more patience

  • use my time more efficiently

I do have a goal, different from a resolution, it involves my resolution ideas... I want to place in the top 5 in my age group at Ironman St. George. This event takes place on the first Saturday in May. Wish me luck!

Share with me a resolution you may be thinking about. This resolution does not have to be school related. Remember don't post anything that is private, your classmates will see anything you write.


  1. I have a few new years resolutions, here's one. I want to stop puting of everything until last minute. At school, I always put of my projects and assignments until last minute. I want to change that and get things done first, so I can relax later. -Carys, Period 6

  2. My new-years resolution is to further apreciate what I have, and be thankful that I am not less fourtunate.

  3. My new years resolution is that I want to explore more of colorado by doing more trails and going outdoors. I haven't explored colorado that much and I bet that colorado is a wonderful place to hang out on the trails.

  4. My New Years resolution is to receive my red belt in Taekwondo. I would also like to read more books this year.
    - Jamie period 5

  5. My New Years resolution is to get A or B in must or all my classes -John Period 6

  6. My New Year's resolution is to have a fun time playing in the snow. I would really like to play snowball.
    James, period 5

  7. My New Year's resolution is to be more independent in doing my homework and getting good grades. I already have good grades, but I want to continue getting good grades. I would like to have all A's like my sister.
    Grace, period 5

  8. learn about something I've never heard of.


  9. one of my resolutions is to get straight a's atlest once this school year

    Brice period 5

  10. i have a couple of resoulustions ! is to get healthier and better grades te other is to become a better christian the grades and jesus come first tho....

    -Hannah p5

  11. My new years resolution is to work out more and become more fit. Also, to keep up my good grades at school.

    -Blake Period 5

  12. My new year's resolution is to practice softball until I master it.

    -Taylor Period 6

  13. My new years resolution is to get an A in social studies.

    - Ryan Period 5

  14. My New Year's resolution is to work on my future career-related projects such as finish writing books started the previous year, etc., etc.
    -Lianne (per. 5)

  15. one of my new years resolutions is to enot put everything off until last minute and to excersize more often.

  16. My new years resolution is to push myself harder in everything I do.

  17. My New Year resolution is to finish at least 8 books this year.

  18. My New Years resolution is to work hard in everything i do and have more fun.

  19. One of my new years resolutions is to get all A's this semester. Because last quarter I got all A's for the first time. It would be nice.
    Hayden period 5

  20. My new years resolution is to work as hard as i possibly can to get good grades

  21. I need to stop procrastinating, as I always find a way not to do something until the last minute,

  22. My New Years resolution is to get all (A,s) all school year long. Another thing to do to achieve that goal is to work really hard at what I do no mater what subject.

    (Kendra period.6)

  23. my resolution would be not to eat so much candy.
    ricky per2

  24. mine is too do stuff good like help poor people
    zeth per 2

  25. my resolution is to get straight a's or b's
    cassie per2

  26. My resolution is to get grades of C's or better.

    Brian period2

  27. My resolution for this year is to get all A's.


  28. My resolution is to win all basketball games.

  29. my new years resolutioun is to get straight A's.

    Dylan H.

  30. To get all a's because i know that i can do it and work harder on my homework.

  31. On New years my family stays up until midnight and watch the ball drop. then we drink shampain to celabrate!!!!!!!!

  32. my family usally just sits around talking anddrinking sparkling cider and watchting tv. Dan M

  33. i don't really have a new years resiloution this year but i did come up with one and it is to help other people with there new years resilutions from nick russell per 1

  34. my new years resolution is to maybe get a gold medal at the end of the year for having straight a's the whole year. oh and its to not ever get stung by a bee again but mostly just the grades

  35. My new year resolution is to try and get money

  36. Carina F,
    For my new years resolution I have decided to tske more risks in my life and study harder in school.

  37. My new years resolution is to be nice to my brother. Very hard task for my but i think i broke it today. Lindsey 5th .

  38. Alex Period 6
    i would like to get my l.a. grade to be an A
