Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

WE will be using this Live binder to access information about Mesopotamia, at your speed and your level.
Please take a look at this link and we will go over this site together.
I am excited to use this new tool to make your learning more personal!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Middle Ages Games and Activities

http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/0-9/1066/game/index.html You'll take to the field with Saxons, Normans and Vikings to fight battles which decided England's fate.

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/lostempires/trebuchet/destroy.htmlBuild your own castle and then attack it to see if your plans were strong enough!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/launch_ani_build_arch.shtmlBuild a medieval arch like the mason of the Middle Ages, without modern technology.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Weding Game

Here is a fun game to play in commemeration of the Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Popular Demand!

Here is the link the the Short Histroy of the World game. I don't think you can play from school, probably blocked :( http://www.mochigames.com/game/a-short-history-of-the-world/

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011


As Wikipedia explains, “Information graphics are visual devices intended to communicate complex information quickly and clearly”:
Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. ... They illustrate information that would be unwieldy in text form, and act as a visual shorthand for everyday concepts...

Free Online Tools For Creating Infographics
Stat Planet
Stat Planet allows you to create some amazing interactive visualisations, which you can then use as is or create a static image. It can be used within your browser or downloaded for free. Stat Planet gives you access to some great world data and lets you customise that in your visualisations. It also has some great map-based visualisations to try.
Hohli is an intuitive, simple online chart maker. It’s incredibly easy to pick your chart type, add some data, vary the sizes and colours and see the finished chart. The finished charts are also very well designed and look great!
Creately lets you make easy-to-make diagrams and flow charts (easy to collaborate too). When you start, you can choose from a number of purpose-designed diagram types and quickly add your data to make your own chart. The end result looks very professional.
New York Times
New York Times’ Visualization Lab lets you use statistics from recent NYTimes articles to create visualisations in various formats. You can also see other people’s visualisations and see how other people choose to display the same data.
Many Eyes
Many Eyes lets you upload your own data or use data already stored on the site. The visualisations themselves are well-designed and very professional-looking. This is definitely the easiest way to use your own data for online visualisations.
Google Public Data
Google Public Data lets you easily take public data and transform it into an infographic of your choice. These beautiful, colourful graphics simplify and communicate the data perfectly.
Wordle lets you create word visualisations using text you enter. There are plenty of interesting designs to choose from. Enter whole books, short passages or see what other people have used. In this example, we can see the US constitution visualised.

Links for Researching Revolutions

The American Revolution (1775-1783)Secondary Sources: PBS: Liberty! The American Revolution and History.com: American RevolutionPrimary Sources: Internet Modern History Sourcebook: American Independence

The Haitian Revolution (1794-1804)Secondary Sources: PBS: The Haitian Revolution and Britannica Academic Edition: The Haitian RevolutionPrimary Sources: Digital History: The Haitian Revolution

The French Revolution (1789-1799)Secondary Sources: History.com: French Revolution and Britannica Academic Edition: French RevolutionPrimary Sources: Internet Modern History Sourcebook: French Revolution

The American Revolution (1775-1783)Secondary Sources: PBS: Liberty! The American Revolution and History.com: American RevolutionPrimary Sources: Internet Modern History Sourcebook: American Independence

The Haitian Revolution (1794-1804)Secondary Sources: PBS: The Haitian Revolution and Britannica Academic Edition: The Haitian RevolutionPrimary Sources: Digital History: The Haitian Revolution

The French Revolution (1789-1799)Secondary Sources: History.com: French Revolution and Britannica Academic Edition: French RevolutionPrimary Sources: Internet Modern History Sourcebook: French Revolution

The Russian Revolution (1917)Secondary Sources: Britannica Academic Edition: Russian Revolution of 1917, About.com: Russian Revolution and History Guide: Lecture on the Russian RevolutionPrimary Sources: Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Russian Revolution

The Cuban Revolution (1956-1959)Secondary Sources: PBS: Fidel Castro and History.com: Batista Forced Out Castro-Led RevolutionPrimary Sources: Casa Historia: Cuba and the Castro Revolution

The Iranian Revolution (1978-1979)Secondary Sources: BBC In Pictures: The Iranian Revolution and Britannica Academic Edition: Iranian Revolution of 1978-79Primary Sources: Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Iranian Revolution

The Nicaraguan Revolution (1979)Secondary Sources: Country Studies: The Sandinista Revolution and University of Pittsburgh: The Sandinista Revolution (PDF)Primary Sources: National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book: The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations and Finding Dulcinea: On This Day: Reagan Endorses Support of Nicaraguan Contras

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Unpredictable Uprisings

View this slideshow and complete the questions below:


1. What are the commonalities and differences between and among these uprisings?

2.Without these captions what stories do these photographs tell? If you had not read these captions what would you have thought these photos were about? Why?

3. Do all of these events in the slideshow depict our definition of revolution? If not, which ones do fit our definition and why?

4. What questions do you come away with after viewing this slideshow? Which historical revolution would you like to know more about?

Monday, February 14, 2011


Games can be learning tools too!

Visit these sites and give me you feedback/learning:


http://www.wfp.org/how-to-help/individuals/food-force...you- have to download this game, better done at home, not on the school computers.

http://freerice.com/- vocabulary development

Take a look at this site http://www.freepoverty.com/HOW TO PLAY THE GAME ON FREEPOVERTY.COMHow far would you go to end poverty? Your mission here is to locate the place given to you [e.g. Rome, Italy] and how many cups of water we donate on your behalf depends on how accurate your answer is. Once you have located one city or landmark, another location will be shown to you. You may play the game however many times you wish. Of course, the more you play and the more you are correct, the greater difference you will make with your donation. If your answer is correct, 10 cups of water will be donated. The further away you are from the location, the number of cups will decrease. If your answer is nowhere near the exact location, no cups of water will be donated. Therefore by playing this game, not only are you doing a good deed for others, but you are also gaining knowledge for yourself. Give this game a try and tell me what you thought!

http://www.thegreatflu.com/- stop the spread of the flu pandemic

http://playinghistory.org/items/show/515- build the parthenon

Monday, January 31, 2011


Nation on the brink, an ancient civilization, land of the pyramids and home of the pharaohs, now swept up in a massive political uprising with uncertain consequences for all of us.
According to the Daily Mirror, British newspaper, "Nine men broke into the Egyptian Museum in the early hours of yesterday, taking advantage of damage caused to the building’s security by a fire in the neighbouring headquarters of the ruling National Democratic Party.
They were caught by police and a crowd of civilians while carrying out the skulls of two mummies and two statues estimated to be more than 2,000 years old.
One statue, believed to be of Tutankhamun, was broken into two pieces by the thieves, although officials said they hoped to be able to repair it.
Zahi Hawass, chairman of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said: ‘They tried to attack and rob from the showcases of King Tut, but they failed. These people are criminals, they are not true Egyptians. The nine men were caught carrying skulls and two statues, one of which was broken. "
How do you think the crisis in Egypt could affect Egyptian artifacts and ancient architecture?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Are you 1 in a million?

Curious to know how popular your name has been over the years?
Give a look at this site, type your name in to the box and a graph will pop up displaying the popularity of your name in the millions dating back to the 1800s.


Post a comment about what you learned.

Just when you think your life is rough...

Visit this cool site and do a country comparison on a variety of topics. Leave me a comment about your reaction to some of the things you learned.


Monday, January 10, 2011

SNOW DAY, but the learning keeps going!

Enjoying your snow day? I am. Although we aren't in school you can still learn things, get away form the TV and video games.

  • If I had seen you in class today we would have drawn a map of Greece, free hand, not fill in the blank outline map.

  • Log in to the online textbook and locate the map of Ancient Greece.

  • You can always search for a map of Ancient Greece on the internet.

  • Draw an outline map of Greece and label the following locations: Athens, Sparta, Marathon, Olympia, Delphia, Peloponnesus, Crete, Aegean Sea and Mediterranean Sea, Macedonia and Asia Minor.

  • Color the water blue

  • Title the map

  • Draw a compass rose

This assignment will be due on Wednesday, you can do it now or do it for homework on Tuesday night.

Extra Credit:

You can do both or choose 1. The more you do the more extra credit.

Research and Respond to the following question: Would you rather have grown up as an Athenian or a Spartan in Ancient Greece? Why? Remember to include the following-topic sentence, 2-3 examples and a closing statement.

Here are two articles I found, you may use others.

http://www.sikyon.com/sparta/agogi_eg.html and


Create 5 Trading Cards for Greek Gods and Goddesses. Trading Cards describe achievements or 'stats' for a 'person'. Think of baseball cards. What traits or qualities does this god or goddess have? Be sure to include a picture.

You can use these websites or create your card from scratch.


